§ 10.01. Election of mayor and councilmen.  

Latest version.
  • On the day of the November general election in 2015, and every third year thereafter, the qualified voters of the city at large shall choose a mayor and six members at large of the council for terms of three years from the first day of January following their election. A candidate for mayor shall file his petition therefor specifically; and a candidate for city council shall file his petition therefor specifically, provided, however, that a candidate who files his petition for mayor shall not have his name printed on the ballot for city council. The names of all candidates for city council and mayor shall be placed on the ballot in accordance with general law. Immediately above the list of names of candidates for city council shall appear the words "For City Council, vote for no more than six (6)," or some similar designation. Immediately above the list of names of candidates for mayor shall appear the words "For Mayor, vote for one," or some similar designation.

    In the event no candidate shall file a petition for the office of mayor, the ballot shall show no candidates for that office and the member of council who receives the largest popular vote shall be the mayor of the city and persons receiving the next six highest votes shall be the city council members.

    The said election shall be held in accordance with the general laws of the Commonwealth relating to primary and general elections wherever applicable. (Acts 1956, ch. 262, § 1; Acts 1972, ch. 808, § 1; Acts 1995, ch. 782, § 1; Acts 2014, ch. 400, § 1)