§ 2.02. Financial powers.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to the powers granted by other sections of this charter the city shall have power:


    To raise annually by taxes and assessments in the city such sums of money as the council shall deem necessary to pay the debts and defray the expenses of the city, in such manner as the council shall deem expedient, provided that such taxes and assessments are not prohibited by the laws of the Commonwealth. In addition to, but not as a limitation upon, this general grant of power the city shall have power:


    To levy and collect ad valorem taxes on real estate and personal property and machinery and tools not exempt by law from taxation, or segregated to the State for exclusive taxation, all corporations located in the city or having their principal office therein and not exempt by law from taxation, all money owned by or credits due to any person living in the city and doing business therein and employed in said business though the said business may extend beyond the city; provided, that so much of said capital as is invested in real estate, or employed in the manufacture of articles outside of the city limits, shall not be taxed as capital; all stocks in incorporated joint stock companies doing business in the city and by whomsoever owned and not exempt by law from taxation; income, interest or money, dividends of banks or other corporations, provided that no capital, interest or dividend shall be taxed, when a license or other tax is imposed upon the business in which said capital is employed, or upon the principal, money, credits or stocks from which the interest, income or dividend is derived; nor shall a tax be imposed upon stocks of a corporation and upon the dividends thereon; and provided, further, that such property has not been segregated to the State for exclusive taxation. Assessments upon stocks and bonds shall be according to the market value thereof. The council may by curative ordinances, ratify and confirm assessments and levies of taxes heretofore or hereafter made, and the acts of all ministerial officers in connection therewith, and any such ordinance heretofore passed is hereby ratified and confirmed. The rate of the tax that is levied on real estate shall be fixed once each calendar year and such rate shall not thereafter be changed during the same calendar year.


    Reserved. (Deleted by House Bill 1682ER.)


    To levy and collect taxes for admission to or other charge for any public amusement, entertainment, performance, exhibition, sport or athletic event in the city, which taxes may be added to and collected with the price of such admission or other charge.


    To levy on and collect taxes from purchasers of any public utility service, which taxes may be added to and collected with the bills rendered purchasers of such service.


    Unless prohibited by general law to require licenses for the privilege of engaging in any business, profession, occupation, or trade, prohibit the conduct of any business, profession, occupation, or trade without such a license, require taxes to be paid on such licenses in respect of all businesses, professions, occupations, and trades, and to refuse such license to any person not entitled by law thereto.


    To require licenses of owners of vehicles of all kinds for the privilege of using the streets, alleys and other public places in the city, require taxes to be paid on such licenses and prohibit the use of streets, alleys and other public places in the city without such licenses. In any prosecution of a violation of any ordinance requiring such licenses, proof that the motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer was located in the city and was displaying a current license plate of any state, shall constitute in evidence a prima facie presumption that such motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer was operated on the public streets of the city.


    To impose penalties on persons following any business, profession, or trade in the city without the license prescribed therefor.


    To borrow money for the purposes and in the manner provided by chapter 7 of this charter.


    To make appropriations, subject to the limitations imposed in chapters 5 and 6 of this charter, for the support of the city government and any other purposes authorized by this charter and not prohibited by the laws of the Commonwealth.


    To appropriate, without being bound by other provisions of this charter, such sums as the council may deem necessary in any one fiscal year for the purpose of meeting a public emergency threatening the lives, health or property of the inhabitants of the city; provided, that any such appropriation shall require at least a two-thirds affirmative vote of council members present and that the ordinance making such appropriation shall contain a clear statement of the nature and extent of the emergency.


    To accept or refuse gifts, donations, bequests or grants from any source for any purpose relating to the powers and duties of the city government.


    To provide, or aid in the support of, public libraries and public schools, to appropriate funds for educational purposes which may be expended in furtherance of elementary, secondary, collegiate or graduate education of Virginia students in public and nonsectarian private schools and institutions of learning in addition to those owned or exclusively controlled by the city and to make appropriations to nonsectarian schools of manual, industrial or technical training and also to any school or institution of learning owned or exclusively controlled by the city.


    To establish a system of pensions for injured, retired or superannuated city officers and employees, subject to the limitations imposed by chapter 8 of this charter.


    To provide for the control and management of the fiscal affairs of the city, and prescribe and require the adoption and keeping of such books, records, accounts and systems of accounting by the departments, boards, commissions, courts or other agencies of the city government provided for by this charter or otherwise by law as may be necessary to give full and true accounts of the affairs, resources and revenues of the city and the handling, use and disposal thereof. (Acts. 1970, ch. 492; Acts 1972, ch. 808, § 1; Acts 1976, ch. 669; Acts 1977, ch. 122; H.B. 1682ER, § 1, 7-1-2015)