§ 3.08. Rules of procedure.  

Latest version.
  • The council shall be a continuing body and no measure pending before it shall abate or be discontinued by reason of the expiration of the term of office of or removal of the members of the body or any of them. Except as herein provided, the council shall establish its own rules of procedure. They shall provide that the council shall meet in regular session at least twice each month, except during the months of July and August. They shall also provide for the calling of special meetings by the mayor, the city manager or any two members of the council, provided that at least 12 hours' written notice of each special meeting is served personally on each member or left at his usual place of business or residence, which notice shall contain a statement of the specific item or items of business to be transacted at such meeting except by the unanimous consent of all members of the council; provided, however, that a special meeting may be held at any time without notice if all members of the council attend said meeting or waive notice thereof. Regular and special meetings may be held at any suitable location in the city. Whenever a regular or special meeting is held at a location other than at city council chambers, notice of the time and location of any such meeting shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the city at least five days prior to the meeting. In the event of an emergency no such notice need be published, provided the city manager, the mayor, or any two members of the council attempt to give the news media such notice as can reasonably be given under the circumstances. A majority of the members of the council shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. No ordinance or resolution appropriating money exceeding the sum of five hundred dollars, imposing taxes, or authorizing the borrowing of money shall be passed except by a recorded affirmative vote of a majority of all members elected to council. On final vote on any ordinance or resolution the name of each member voting and how he voted shall be recorded. No ordinance, resolution, motion or vote shall be adopted by the council except at a meeting open to the public and unless it shall have received the affirmative votes of a majority of the members present. No vote shall be reconsidered or rescinded at any special meeting unless at such special meeting there are present as large a number of members as were present when such vote was taken. No ordinance or resolution appropriating money exceeding the sum of one thousand dollars, imposing taxes, or authorizing the borrowing of money, shall be passed by the council on the same day on which it is introduced, nor shall any such ordinance or resolution be valid unless at least three days intervene between its introduction and its passage. (Acts 1971, Ex. Sess., ch. 166, Sec. 1; Acts 1972, ch. 808, § 1; Acts 1988, ch. 157)