§ 3.16. Removal of council members.  

Latest version.
  • Any member of the council may be removed by the council but only for malfeasance in office or neglect of duty; provided that the member of the council sought to be removed shall have been served with a written notice of the intention of the council to remove him, which notice shall contain a clear statement of the grounds for such removal and shall fix the time and place, not less than ten days after the service of such notice, at which he shall be given opportunity to be heard thereon. After the hearing which shall be public at the option of the council member sought to be removed and at which he may be represented by counsel, he may be removed by a vote of six members. It shall be the duty of the council, at the request of the council member sought to be removed, to subpoena witnesses whose testimony would be pertinent to the matter in hand. From the decision of the council removing one of its members, an appeal may be had to the circuit court of the City of Alexandria. Any council member who shall be convicted by a final judgment of any court from which no appeal has been taken or which has been affirmed by a court of last resort on a charge involving moral turpitude shall cease to be a member of the council. (H.B. 1682ER, § 1, 7-1-2015)