§ 6.14. Capital budget.  

Latest version.
  • At the same time that he submits the general budget the city manager shall submit to the council a budget of the proposed capital improvement projects for the ensuing fiscal year and for the five fiscal years thereafter, with his recommendations as to the means of financing the improvements proposed for the ensuing fiscal year. The city manager shall obtain and transmit to the council the advisory recommendations of the planning commission with regard to the consistency of proposed capital improvement projects with the master plan and the priority and timing of those projects in comparison to other elements in the master plan. The council shall have power to accept with or without amendments or reject the proposed program and proposed means of financing for the ensuing fiscal year but, except in the case of emergency as provided in subsection (d) of section 2.02 of this charter, the council shall not authorize any capital improvement project or make any appropriation therefor unless such project is included in the capital budget as adopted by it. The council shall hold at least one public hearing on said budget and shall take final action on the budget not later than twenty calendar days after the date prescribed for the adoption of the general budget. A capital project in the budget may lapse at the end of one year but once an appropriation has been made for such project it shall not lapse until approved by the city council at a meeting open to the public at which meeting the matter of lapse of the specified project involved is a duly docketed item. (Acts 1968, ch. 510, § 1; Acts 1982, ch. 480, § 1)