§ 8.01. Merit basis of appointment.  

Latest version.
  • Appointments and promotions in the administrative service of the city shall be made according to merit and fitness. The council shall have all necessary powers to carry out this purpose. The following powers are vested in the city manager, who may delegate them to any officer or department of the city government as he may decide; provided, however, that such powers do not extend to employees of the school board.


    To prepare and submit to the council from time to time rules designed to give effect to the provisions of this chapter.


    To prepare and submit to the council classification plans covering all positions in the city service.


    To advise the council on problems concerning personnel administration.


    To make any investigation which he may consider desirable concerning personnel management in the city service, and report to the council his findings, conclusions and recommendation.


    To conduct open competitive examinations for original appointments and for promotions whenever it seems desirable to him.


    To enter into agreements with other public personnel departments or agencies for the joint administration of examinations and the joint use of eligible lists.


    To prepare and recommend to the council a pay plan covering all employees in the city service.


    To direct and enforce the maintenance by all departments, boards, commissions, offices and agencies of the city, of such personnel records and service ratings of members of the city service as he shall prescribe.


    To maintain a roster of all persons in the city service.


    To certify all payrolls.


    To develop and establish training programs for persons in the city service.


    Such other powers and duties as may be assigned to him by ordinance.