Article B. Reckless Driving, Speeding, Etc.  

§§ 10-3-21 through 10-3-26. reserved.
§ 10-3-27. Police chief to be notified in advance of race to be held on private property.
§ 10-3-28. reserved.
§ 10-3-29. reserved
§ 10-3-30. Authority to change speed limits.
§§ 10-3-31 through 10-3-103. reserved.
§ 10-3-104. Signing and possession of registration cards; exhibiting of registration card and driver's etc., licenses; failure to carry license or registration card.
§§ 10-3-105 through 10-3-265. reserved.
§ 10-3-266. Driving motor vehicle, engine, etc., while intoxicated.
§ 10-3-266.1. Persons under age twenty-one driving after illegally consuming alcohol; penalty.
§ 10-3-267. Preliminary analysis of breath to determine alcoholic content of blood.
§ 10-3-268. Use of chemical test to determine alcoholic content of blood; procedure; qualifications and liability of person withdrawing blood; costs; evidence; suspension of license for refusal to submit to test; localities authorized to adopt parallel provisions.
§ 10-3-268.1. Chemical testing to determine alcohol or drug content of blood; definitions.
§ 10-3-268.2. Implied consent to post-arrest chemical test to determine drug or alcohol content of blood.
§ 10-3-268.3. Refusal of tests; procedures.
§ 10-3-268.4. Appeal and trial; sanctions for refusal.
§ 10-3-268.5. Qualifications and liability of persons authorized to take blood sample; procedure for taking samples.
§ 10-3-268.6. Transmission of blood samples.
§ 10-3-268.7. Transmission of blood test results; use as evidence.
§ 10-3-268.8. Fees relating to blood samples.
§ 10-3-268.9. Assurance of breath test validity; use of test results as evidence.
§ 10-3-268.10. Evidence of violation.
§ 10-3-268.11. Substantial compliance.
§ 10-3-269. Presumptions from alcohol content of blood.
§ 10-3-270. Penalty for driving while intoxicated; subsequent offense; prior conviction.
§ 10-3-270.1. Ignition interlock systems; penalty.
§ 10-3-270.2. Ignition interlock system; certification by commission on VASAP; regulations; sale or lease; monitoring use; reports.
§ 10-3-271. Forfeiture of driver's license for driving while intoxicated.
§ 10-3-271.1. Probation, education and rehabilitation of person convicted; person convicted under law of another state.
§ 10-3-272. Driving after forfeiture of license.
§§ 10-3-273 through 10-3-299. reserved.
§ 10-3-300. Driving without license prohibited; penalties.
§ 10-3-301. Driving while license, permit or privilege to drive is suspended or revoked.
§ 10-3-301.1. Administrative impoundment of motor vehicle for certain driving while license suspended or revoked offenses; judicial impoundment upon conviction; penalty for permitting violation with one's vehicle.
§§ 10-3-302 through 10-3-327. reserved.
§ 10-3-328. Department to issue licenses; endorsements authorizing operation of certain vehicles.
§§ 10-3-329 through 10-3-340.3. reserved.
§ 10-3-341.4. Definitions.
§§ 10-3-341.5 through 10-3-341.23. reserved.
§ 10-3-341.24. Driving a commercial motor vehicle while intoxicated, etc.
Secs. 10-3-341.25, 10-3-341.26 - reserved.
§ 10-3-341.26:1. Use of chemical tests to determine alcohol or drug content of blood of commercial driver; definitions.
§ 10-3-341.26:2. Implied consent to post arrest chemical test to determine alcohol or drug content of blood of commercial driver.
§ 10-3-341.26:3. Refusal of tests; issuance of out-of-service orders; disqualification.
§ 10-3-341.26:4. Appeal and trial; sanctions for refusal; procedures.
§ 10-3-341.26:5. Qualifications and liability of persons authorized to take blood samples; procedure for taking samples.
§ 10-3-341.26:6. Transmission of blood samples.
§ 10-3-341.26:7. Transmission of results.
§ 10-3-341.26:8. Fees relating to blood samples.
§ 10-3-341.26:9. Assurance of breath test validity; use of test results as evidence.
§ 10-3-341.26:10. Evidence.
§ 10-3-341.26:11. Substantial compliance.
§ 10-3-341.27. Presumptions from alcohol content of blood.
§ 10-3-341.28. Penalty for driving commercial motor vehicle while intoxicated; subsequent offense; prior conviction.
§ 10-3-341.29. Penalty for driving commercial motor vehicle with blood alcohol content equal to or greater than 0.04.
§ 10-3-341.30. reserved.
§ 10-3-341.31. Driving commercial motor vehicle with any alcohol in blood.
§§ 10-3-342 through 10-3-370. reserved.
§ 10-3-371. Driver to give immediate notice of accidents.
§§ 10-3-372 through 10-3-603. reserved.
§ 10-3-605. Altering or forging certificate of title or registration card.
§§ 10-3-606 through 10-3-612. reserved.
§ 10-3-613. Offenses relating to registration, licensing and certificates of title; name and address of owner on "for-hire" vehicle; name on truck, etc.
§§ 10-3-614 through 10-3-706. reserved.
§ 10-3-707. Operating uninsured motor vehicle without payment of fee; furnishing certificate of insurance; false evidence of insurance.
§§ 10-3-708 through 10-3-714. reserved.
§ 10-3-715. Display of license plates.
§ 10-3-716. Attachment of license plates to vehicle.
§§ 10-3-717 through 10-3-721. reserved.
§ 10-3-722. Altered or forged license plates or decals; use as evidence of knowledge.
§§ 10-3-723 through 10-3-801. reserved.
§ 10-3-802. Driving on right side of highway.
§ 10-3-803. reserved.
§ 10-3-804. Special regulations applicable on highways laned for traffic.
§ 10-3-805. reserved.
§ 10-3-806. One-way roadways and highways.
§ 10-3-807. Rotary traffic islands.
§§ 10-3-808 through 10-3-815. reserved.
§ 10-3-816. Following too closely.
§ 10-3-817. Disregarding signal to stop by police officers; eluding police; penalties.
Secs. 10-3-818, 10-3-819 - reserved.
§ 10-3-820. Right-of-way at uncontrolled intersections.
§ 10-3-821. Vehicles stopping or yielding right-of-way before entering certain highways.
§ 10-3-822. Right-of-way at traffic circles.
§ 10-3-823. Unlawful speed forfeits right-of-way.
§ 10-3-824. Right-of-way at uncontrolled "T" intersections.
§ 10-3-825. Left-turn traffic to yield right-of-way.
§ 10-3-826. Stopping before entering public highway or sidewalk from private road; yielding right-of-way.
Secs. 10-3-827, 10-3-828 - reserved.
§ 10-3-829. Approach of police or firefighting vehicles, rescue vehicles or ambulances; violation as failure to yield right-of-way.
§ 10-3-830. Uniform marking and signing of highways; drivers to obey signs; enforcement of section.
Secs. 10-3-831, 10-3-832 - reserved.
§ 10-3-833. Signals by lights or other traffic control devices.
§ 10-3-833.01. Photo-monitoring of traffic light signals.
§ 10-3-834. Signals by law enforcement officers and crossing guards.
§ 10-3-835. Right turn on steady red.
§ 10-3-836. Left turn on steady red.
§§ 10-3-837 through 10-3-840. reserved.
§ 10-3-841. When overtaking vehicle may pass on right.
§ 10-3-842. reserved.
§ 10-3-843. Limitations on overtaking and passing.
§ 10-3-844. Passing stopped school buses; penalty.
§ 10-3-845. Limitation on U-turns.
§ 10-3-846. Required position and method of turning at intersections; local regulations.
§ 10-3-848. Signals required on backing, stopping or turning.
§ 10-3-849. How signals given.
§ 10-3-850. reserved.
§ 10-3-851. Signals prior to moving standing vehicles into traffic.
§ 10-3-852. Reckless driving general rule.
§ 10-3-853. Same—driving vehicle when not under control; faulty brakes.
§ 10-3-854. Same—passing when dangerous.
§ 10-3-855. Same—driving with view obstructed or control impaired.
§ 10-3-856. Same—passing two vehicles abreast.
§ 10-3-857. Same—driving two abreast in a single lane.
§ 10-3-858. Same—passing at a railroad grade crossing.
§ 10-3-859. Same—passing a stopped school bus.
§ 10-8-860. Same—failing to give proper signals.
§ 10-3-861. Same—driving too fast for conditions.
§ 10-3-862. Same—exceeding speed limit.
§ 10-3-863. Same—failure to yield right-of way.
§ 10-3-864. Same—dangerous driving on parking lot, etc.
§ 10-3-870. Maximum speed limits generally.
§ 10-3-871. Maximum speed limits—school buses.
§ 10-3-872. Same—special permit vehicles.
§ 10-3-873. Same—school crossings.
§ 10-3-874. Same—city business and residence districts.
§ 10-3-875. Same—certain highways in the city.
§ 10-3-876. Same—when towing certain trailers.
§ 10-3-877. Minimum speed limits.
§§ 10-3-878 through 10-3-878.10. reserved.
§ 10-3-878.11. Maximum speeds in highway work zones; penalty.
§§ 10-3-879 through 10-3-893. reserved.
§ 10-3-894. Duty of driver to stop, etc., in event of accident involving injury or death or damage to attended property.
§ 10-3-895. Duty of passengers to report accidents.
§ 10-3-896. Duty of driver to report an accident involving damage only to unattended property.
§ 10-3-897. Duty of passengers to report an accident involving damage only to unattended property.
§§ 10-3-898 through 10-3-902. reserved.
§ 10-3-903. Riding or driving vehicles other than bicycles on sidewalks.
§ 10-3-909. Riding upon motorcycles.
§ 10-3-910. Motorcycle helmets and other protective equipment to be worn.
§ 10-3-911. Penalty for violation of motor cycle regulations.
§ 10-3-912. Operating motorcycle without headlight, horn or rearview mirror.
§§ 10-3-913 through 10-3-923. reserved.
§ 10-3-924. Failure to yield right-of-way to pedestrians.
§§ 10-3-925 through 10-3-1048. reserved.
§ 10-3-1049. Exhaust system in good working order.
Secs. 10-3-1050, 10-3-1051 - reserved.
§ 10-3-1052. Signs, decals and stickers on windshields, etc.
§§ 10-3-1053 through 10-3-1056. reserved.
§ 10-3-1057. Windshields.
§§ 10-3-1058 through 10-3-1062. reserved.
§ 10-3-1063. Alteration of suspension system; bumper height limits.
§ 10-3-1064. Modification of front-end suspension by use of lift blocks.
§ 10-3-1065. reserved.
§ 10-3-1066. Brakes.
§§ 10-3-1067 through 10-3-1076. reserved.
§ 10-3-1077. Motor vehicles not to be equipped with television within view of operator of vehicle.
§ 10-3-1078. Unlawful to operate a motor vehicle, moped or bicycle while using earphones.
§ 10-3-1079. Prohibiting use of devices on motor vehicles to detect presence of radar upon highways or operation of motor vehicles so equipped or sale of such devices.
§§ 10-3-1080 through 10-3-1093. reserved.
§ 10-3-1094. Mandatory safety belts to be worn in motor vehicle.
§ 10-3-1095. Child restraint devices required.
§§ 10-3-1096 through 10-3-1122. reserved.
§ 10-3-1123. Weight of vehicles and loads.
§ 10-3-1124. Maximum single axle weight.
§ 10-3-1125. Maximum tandem axle weight.
§ 10-3-1126. Maximum gross weight.
§ 10-3-1127. Weight limits on interstate highways.
§§ 10-3-1128 through 10-3-1156. reserved.
§ 10-3-1157. Requirement of inspection; well-drilling machinery, antique motor vehicle excepted.
§§ 10-3-1158 through 10-3-1171. reserved.
§ 10-3-1172. Unauthorized taking, possession or use of inspection stickers, etc.
§ 10-3-1173. Imitation or counterfeit inspection stickers.
§§ 10-3-1174 through 10-3-1239. reserved.
§ 10-3-1240. Definitions.
§ 10-3-1241. reserved.
§ 10-3-1242. Parking in spaces reserved for persons with a disability.
§§ 10-3-1243—10-3-1246. reserved.
§ 10-3-1247. Counterfeiting disabled parking license plates or placards.
§ 10-3-1248. Use of counterfeit disabled parking license plates or placards.
§ 10-3-1249. Alteration of disabled parking license plates or placards.
§ 10-3-1250. Unauthorized use of disabled parking license plates or placards.
§ 10-3-1251. Fraudulently obtaining disabled parking license plate or placard.
§ 10-3-1252. Selling or exchanging a disabled parking license plate or placard.
§ 10-3-1253. Providing a disabled parking license plate or placard.
§§ 10-3-1254—10-3-1560. reserved.
§ 10-3-1561. To whom temporary plates shall not be issued; dealer to forward application for current titling and registration; misstatements and false information.