§ 11-10-4. Exceptions.  

Latest version.
  • The prohibitions of this chapter shall not apply to the following:


    In lawfully designated smoking areas;


    In those areas of enclosed shopping centers or malls that are external to the retail stores and are used by customers as a route of travel from one store to another and that consist primarily of walkways and seating arrangements;


    In an area of a theater commonly referred to as a lobby if physically separated from the spectator area;


    In the offices or work areas of public buildings not entered by the public in the normal course of business or use of the premises;


    During the hours in which the particular business or institution is not open to the public;


    In any tobacco shop or store primarily concerned with selling tobacco and smoking implements;


    In the in-patient sleeping quarters of any health care facility, except hospitals. Each such facility shall make a reasonable effort to assign patients to sleeping rooms according to the patient's individual nonsmoking or smoking preference;


    The sleeping quarters of nonambulatory hospital patients, when the physician writes an order in the patient's record allowing that patient to smoke;


    Restaurants when engaged in the business of catering to banquets or other private parties at which guests occupy seats for meal service; provided, however, that restaurants shall advise in writing any person who contracts for a banquet or other private party that the City of Alexandria strongly encourages that banquet and private party guests be given the opportunity to choose to sit at tables set aside for smokers or nonsmokers and that seating for at least 25 percent of the guests be provided at contiguous tables set aside for nonsmokers. (Ord. No. 2907, 3/17/84, Sec. 1; Ord. No. 3270, 1/26/88, Sec. 4)