§ 11-5-4.1. Same—central business district.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Notwithstanding any conflicting provision of this chapter or other law, it shall be unlawful for any person to engage in, or to suffer or permit on or with property under such person's control, any sound generation, as defined in this section, in or on any public or private street, sidewalk or alley, any public park, marina or open space, or any private outdoor property that is open to the public for commercial or recreational purposes, within the central business district established by section 8-300(A) of the City of Alexandria Zoning Ordinance, except as is permitted by this section.


    "Sound generation" shall mean any conduct, activity or operation, whether human, mechanical, electronic or other, and whether continuous, intermittent or sporadic, and whether stationary, ambulatory or from a vehicle, which produces or generates sound in excess of the volume levels, and for a duration of time greater than the duration, specified in this section.


    Between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m., Monday through Sunday, no sound generation shall result in sound having a volume of 75 db(A) or more, at a distance greater than 10 feet from the place at which the sound is being generated or produced, for an aggregate duration of time greater than 60 seconds in any one hour period. Any sound that is plainly audible above the background noise level to a person of normal hearing acuity at a distance greater than 50 feet from the place at which the sound is being generated or produced shall be presumed to exceed 75 db(A) at 10 feet of distance and thus violate this subsection, and the burden shall be on the person responsible for such sound generation to prove otherwise.


    Between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., no sound generation shall exceed a volume of 65 db(A) at a distance greater than 10 feet from the place at which the sound is being generated or produced, for an aggregate duration of 60 seconds between such hours. Any sound that is plainly audible above the background noise level to a person of normal hearing acuity at a distance greater than 50 feet from the place at which the sound is being generated or produced shall be presumed to exceed 65 db(A) at 10 feet of distance and thus violate this subsection, and the burden shall be on the person responsible for such sound generation to prove otherwise.


    This section shall not apply to any sound generation which occurs:


    as part of a city-sponsored festival or event;


    at a designated performance area within a public park, marina or open space in conformity with regulations promulgated by the city manager or the director of parks, recreation and cultural activities;


    in conformity with regulations promulgated by the city manager for the use of market square;


    under a special permit, displayed at the place of sound generation, issued by the city manager pursuant to section 11-5-7; or


    on private property pursuant to a special use permit, displayed at the place of sound generation, approved by the city council under section 11-500 of the City of Alexandria Zoning Ordinance.


    This section shall be enforced by the director, the chief of police, the director of citizen assistance, the director of parks, recreation and cultural activities within any public park, marina or open space, and the director of general services within market square, and by their respective designees.


    As used in this section, "background noise level" means all sound sources impacting at the place of measurement, excluding the specific source that is suspected of violating this section.


    A violation under the section may be proved by either or both:


    Testimony or other evidence that the sound generation was plainly audible above the background noise level at the distance from the source, and for the duration of time, specified in subsections (c) or (d); or


    Testimony or other evidence that the sound generation equalled or exceeded the sound level, at the distance from the source, and for the duration of time, specified in subsections (c) or (d), as measured with a sound level meter, maintained in good working order, and having an accuracy specification of 2 dB at 114 dBSPL (sound pressure level) or better, and using the A weighting network of such meter. The measurement of sound level under this section, made with such meter, need not comply with the provisions of section 11-5-5. (Ord. No. 3726, 6/14/94, Sec. 1)