§ 12-10-3. Meetings; quorum; rules of procedure; annual report.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The commission shall meet nine to ten times annually. Working committees shall meet no fewer than six times per year. Appointed voting commission members must attend 75 percent of all meetings, including their assigned committees. The terms of the commission's members shall not exceed a total of ten consecutive years of membership on the commission.


    All voting members of the commission present at a meeting shall be entitled to vote, and the decisions of the commission shall be determined by a majority vote of such members present and voting. A quorum, which shall consist of at least 50 percent of the non-vacant seats on the commission, shall be required in order for the commission to transact business. A member eligible to vote who is present but does not vote shall be considered in counting a quorum. In matters concerning the procedure for meetings not covered by this chapter, the commission may establish its own rules, provided such rules are not contrary to law or the mandate or spirit of this chapter. Otherwise, the rules of procedure set out in Robert's Rules of Order shall apply.


    The commission shall submit to the city council each year a written report of its activities. The report shall also address the matters described in section 12-13-4(b), and may address other matters relating to the city's youth that the commission may choose to make. (Ord. No. 4727, 6/25/11, Sec. 2)