§ 12-2-1. Establishment; composition; appointment; term of office; removal.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    There is hereby established a board to be known as the Alexandria Community Services Board, herein referred to as the board. The board shall be an "administrative policy community services board," as that term is defined in section 37.2-100 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended.


    The board shall consist of 12 members, each of whom shall reside in the city while serving and shall have resided in the city for at least one year next preceding his appointment. The members, except the sheriff who is a member by virtue of his office, shall be appointed by city council. One member shall be the sheriff, or the sheriff's designee, who shall be a permanent member. The sheriff's designation, if any, shall be in writing and must be approved by the mayor, with the advice and consent of the city council. One-third of the appointments to the board shall be identified consumers or family members of consumers, at least one of whom shall be a consumer receiving services. No employee or board member of an organization that receives funding from any community services board shall be appointed as a member of the board. The board shall not be composed of a majority of elected or appointed officials of the city; nor shall the city be represented on the board by more than two elected or appointed officials.


    Appointed members shall be appointed for terms of three years each except that, in the event that the terms of more than five members shall expire at one time, new appointments shall be staggered between one-, two- and three-year appointments to allow for no more than five terms to expire each year. The term of every member appointed shall run from July 1 of the year of appointment. No person shall be eligible to serve more than three terms; provided, that persons appointed to an initial term of less than three years may serve three additional terms. Vacancies shall be filled for the balance of the unexpired terms in the same manner as original appointments. Members shall serve without compensation but may receive such reimbursement for expenses as council may allow. Any member of the board may be removed by the appointing authority for cause after being given a written statement of the cause and an opportunity to be heard thereon. (Code 1963, Sec. 2-139; Ord. No. 2802, 5/14/83, Sec. 1; Ord. No. 3981, 3/14/98, Sec. 1; Ord. No. 4010, 6/13/98, Sec. 1; Ord. No. 4993, 5/14/16, Sec. 1)