§ 12-3-69. Revocation of registration.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The registration of a child care home may be revoked by the department of community & human services if it is determined that the home is in violation of applicable fire or building codes, that any person providing or assisting in the provision of child care services or an adult living in the home has been convicted of a barrier crime or offense described in section 63.2-1719 of the Virginia Code (1950) as amended, or any person living in the home, age 14 or older, has been the subject of a founded case of child abuse or neglect, that the home has served more children than the maximum number listed in its registration, that permission to inspect the home during any time the home is scheduled to provide child care has been denied, that the home has represented its registration as constituting official city approval of the child care services it is providing, that the applicant has misrepresented or provided false information on or in conjunction with the application for the home, that the home is not complying with all requirements imposed by the regulations issued pursuant to section 12-3-4, or that the home is not being operated in a manner consistent with the health, safety and welfare of the children it is serving.


    No registration may be revoked without 10 days written notice to the operator, at the address listed on the registration, which shall contain a statement of the reasons why the registration is being revoked. Unless the health, safety and welfare of the children being served by the home is immediately threatened, the notice shall inform the applicant-operator that he or she has 10 days within which to remove the reasons for the revocation or to establish that such reasons either do not exist or do not warrant the revocation of the registration. The notice shall also inform the applicant-operator that, prior to the expiration of this 10-day period, he or she may meet with the director of the department of community & human services, or a designee, in order to present reasons why the registration should not be revoked. In the event that the reasons for the revocation have not been removed or negated within the 10-day period, the department shall revoke the registration. (Ord. No. 3493, 1/12/91, Sec. 4; Ord. No. 4559, 9/13/08, Sec. 2; Ord. No. 5022, 6/18/16, Sec. 9)