§ 12-4-12. Human rights commission—creation; composition.  

Latest version.
  • For the purpose of making effective the provisions of this chapter, there is hereby created a commission of the City of Alexandria, Virginia, to be known as the "Human Rights Commission," herein referred to as the commission, which shall consist of 14 members, each of whom shall reside in the city at the time of appointment to the commission and while serving on it. They also shall be as broadly representative of residents of the city as is practicable. Of the 14 members, nine shall be citizens at large and one each shall be members of the economic opportunities commission, the commission for women, the landlord-tenant relations board, the commission for persons with disabilities and the commission on aging. All the members shall be appointed by city council. The members representing the aforementioned city boards and commissions shall be nominated by the board or commission each represents. Of the at-large members first appointed, as decided by lot, three shall be appointed for a term of one year, three for a term of two years and three for a term of three years. Thereafter, at-large members shall be appointed for terms of three years each. Any vacancy shall be filled by the city council for the unexpired portion of a term. Each member representing a board or commission shall serve coextensive with his or her term on the parent body, or until such time as the parent body shall nominate and the city council shall appoint a replacement from among the members of the parent body, but under no circumstances shall any member serve on the commission beyond his or her term on the parent body. Members shall serve without compensation but may receive reimbursement for expenses, subject to availability of funds. On the request of any board, commission or committee of the city, the commission may invite a designated representative from such board, commission or committee to act as a participating observer at any meeting of the commission other than a hearing under sections 12-4-18 or 12-4-21 of this chapter. Also on request, the commission may provide agendas and minutes of any meeting and any other official document, except for conciliation agreements, to any other public agency, board, commission, committee or the general public. (Code 1963, Sec. 18A-12; Ord. No. 2517, 10/14/80, Sec. 10; Ord. No. 3446, 4/21/90, Sec. 1; Ord. No. 3850, 3/23/96, Sec. 6; Ord. No. 4549, 6/14/08, Sec. 8)