§ 12-4-18. Conciliation; breach of conciliation agreement; procedure; hearing; decision.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Upon a determination by the director that there is probable cause for the complaint filed by a complainant, or upon the filing of a complaint by the director, the director shall immediately endeavor to eliminate the unlawful actions or conduct or the unlawful discriminatory practice complained of, upon terms that are agreeable to the parties. The director's effort initially shall consist of conciliation and persuasion. Conferences and other efforts at conciliation and persuasion shall be informal and may be conducted by the Director or any member of his or her staff so designated. Nothing said or done during or as part of the conciliation efforts shall be made public or used as evidence in a subsequent proceeding instituted under this chapter unless each of the interested parties agrees thereto in writing.


    If conciliation succeeds, the terms of the conciliation shall be reduced to writing and signed by or on behalf of the parties and, where the complaint was filed by a complainant, also by the director. The director shall then notify the commission through its chairperson that a conciliation agreement has been entered into by the parties. Conciliation agreements may be made public but any public disclosure shall not reveal the identities of the parties involved, except with the consent of all parties.


    Any conciliation agreement established pursuant to this section shall provide that all complaints filed by the same complainant that are pending before the commission and that arise out of the same events or transactions giving rise to the complaint covered in the agreement shall terminate and shall not be revived by the complainant so long as the agreement is in force. The signing of an agreement shall not constitute an admission on the part of any signatory of a violation of any provision of this chapter or any other provision of law.


    Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit the director from continuing his or her efforts to reach conciliation at any time while a complaint is pending before the commission.


    In the event the director has reason to believe that a party to a conciliation agreement entered into pursuant to this section has breached any provision of the agreement, the director shall promptly notify the commission. The commission shall promptly schedule a public hearing to determine if the agreement has been breached. Notice of the time and place of hearing shall be served on each respondent and complainant no later than two weeks prior to the date of hearing. The commission shall schedule for hearing all respondents who signed the agreement, but may upon request or its own motion schedule separate hearings for each respondent. Any party alleging a breach of the agreement shall appear at the hearing in person and may be accompanied by an attorney. Any party who is alleged to have violated the agreement may appear at the hearing in person or by a duly authorized representative, including an attorney. Each party may present testimony and evidence. The right to cross-examine witnesses shall be preserved. The director shall cause a qualified reporter or stenographer to be present throughout the hearing, or shall provide a voice recording device, and shall record the proceedings. Upon direction of the commission, the proceedings shall be transcribed. Any transcription shall be public and open to inspection by any person. All testimony shall be given under oath administered by the chairperson or his or her representative.


    If upon all the evidence at the hearing the commission determines that the conciliation agreement has not been breached, the commission shall not later than 14 days following the conclusion of the hearing render and issue a written decision containing its determination and the facts upon which the determination is based, cause the decision to be served on each respondent and complainant, announce and make public its determination, and cause the determination to be recorded in the minutes of its proceedings. The case shall then be closed, and no further action shall be taken by the commission on the instant allegation of the breach of the conciliation agreement, and the agreement shall remain in effect.


    If upon all the evidence at the hearing the commission determines that the conciliation agreement has been breached, the commission may refer the matter back to the human rights director for further efforts toward conciliation or may, after consultation with the city attorney, refer the matter to the city attorney and recommend appropriate legal action to enforce the agreement.


    The city attorney, upon receipt of a recommendation from the commission, including a recommendation under subsection (g) of this section, may initiate appropriate legal action in a court of competent jurisdiction to enforce a conciliation agreement. (Code 1963, Sec. 18A-18; Ord. No. 3128, 5/17/86, Sec. 7; Ord. No. 3850, 3/23/96, Sec. 11; Ord. No. 4549, 6/14/08, Sec. 14; Ord. No. 5126, 4/14/18, Sec. 1)