§ 2-1-49. Reconsideration of questions.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    A motion to rescind any prior final vote or action of city council may be entertained at any time; provided, that no such motion, made at a special meeting, shall be entertained unless there are present at such special meeting at least the number of council members as were present when the vote or action to be rescinded occurred.


    No motion to reconsider any prior final vote or action of city council shall be entertained, unless such motion is made prior to the adjournment, or the recess if the meeting be recessed, of the meeting at which the vote or action to be reconsidered occurred, and such motion is made by a council member who voted on the prevailing side with respect to such vote or action.


    As used in this section, the terms "meeting", "adjournment" and "recess" have the meaning commonly attributed to them by the practice and procedure of the city council, notwithstanding any contrary meaning or definition set forth in Robert's Rules of Order. (Code 1963, Sec. 2-33; Ord. No. 3400, 9/16/89, Sec. 1)