Alexandria |
Code of Ordinances |
Title 2. General Government |
Chapter 4. Committees, Boards and Commissions |
Article B. Economic Opportunities Commission |
§ 2-4-22. Functions; powers; duties.
The functions of the commission shall include the following:
to recommend to city council programs to assist the poor and disadvantaged;
to review and advise city council regarding proposed projects which impact on the poor and disadvantaged;
to develop policy for and coordinate programs which will develop training and employment opportunities and will facilitate the improvement of human performance, motivation and productivity;
to improve conditions under which people live, learn and work;
to serve as an advocate for the poor;
to oversee community outreach and organization functions; and
to monitor and evaluate programs providing services for the poor.
In order to carry out its functions, the commission is authorized to and shall:
serve as an advocate for the poor and, in this capacity, shall provide leadership to enable the poor and disadvantaged within the city to achieve equality of opportunity and social Justice.
develop goals, objectives and priorities which shall guide the Alexandria Office of Economic Opportunities in performing its functions identified in section 2-4-24 below.
Develop policy for and coordinate programs, projects or activities which will further its goals and objectives.
Oversee the extent and quality of the participation of the poor in the programs of the commission.
Submit to city council plans for increasing, coordinating, improving or retargeting resources that affect the poor and disadvantaged.
Hold such public hearings as it deems necessary or as city council shall request.
Submit to city council reports prepared by the Alexandria Office of Economic Opportunities which set forth activities, expenditures and evaluations of the effectiveness of the work programs. Such reports shall be submitted to city council on the same schedule which governs the submission of the reports to the community services administration.
Submit to city council for its approval applications to federal and state agencies for financial assistance.
Participate jointly with the city manager and concur formally in the selection of the Executive Director of the Alexandria Office of Economic Opportunities.
Establish by-laws or procedures governing its activities, provided they are not contrary to the mandate or spirit of this ordinance or to any federal statutes, rules or regulations governing community action agencies.