§ 2-5-2. Appointments by city council.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Before electing or appointing any city officer authorized by the charter or by statute, whether the same is an original appointment or an appointment to fill a vacancy, the city council shall cause public notice in a manner to be specified by it to be given of the impending appointment. Such notice may be given first to all persons in the employ of the city, or of any constitutional officer who, or independent agency or authority which, has elected to come under the city's personnel system for the purpose of giving employees preference in promotional opportunities and such election has been approved by the city manager. In the event no person already in the employ of the city, or of such officer, agency or authority, is appointed, such notice shall then be given to the public at large. Written application for any appointive position shall be made to the city council through the mayor, and each application shall give the name, educational background and practical experience of the applicant. Only applicants who have made written application shall be considered, and no such appointment shall be made by the city council until the expiration of two weeks from the time public notice is given and until the city council is satisfied that the applicant to be chosen has the necessary qualifications, ability and fitness for the position and office.


    In the event any office which is authorized by charter or statute to be filled by the city council should become suddenly vacant because of death, resignation, termination or similar cause, or in case of disability or absence of any officer, and by reason thereof and the foregoing provisions of this section the office would be vacant or without a person to perform the duties thereof, the city council may immediately make an appointment or designate a person to perform the duties of the office during disability or absence, as the case may be, the provisions of the foregoing paragraph notwithstanding; and any appointee or person designated to act shall forthwith furnish to the city council a statement of his age, family status, educational background and practical experience duly signed, together with the names of at least four persons to be used as references. The city council may thereafter, if it deems necessary, consider the statement and any other information relating to the qualification and fitness of the appointee or designee to determine whether or not he shall continue in office or to perform the duties thereof. (Code 1963, Sec. 2-46; Ord. No. 3445, 3/24/90, Sec. 1)