§ 2-5-65. Alteration, amendment or repeal of plans.  

Latest version.
  • The city council reserves the right to alter, amend or repeal any provision of the plans adopted and established by this article; provided, however, that the amount of benefits which at the time of such alteration, amendment or repeal shall have accrued for participants or beneficiaries shall not be affected thereby; and provided, further, that to the extent an altered, amended or replacement plan permits, a plan participant may elect to transfer, exchange or forego all or part of such participant's previously accrued benefit for participation in, or benefits under, such altered, amended or replacement plan. If the city council repeals a plan, it shall, except to the extent an election has been made pursuant to this section, continue to be administered as to the amount of benefits which shall have accrued prior to the repeal in accordance with its terms and provisions and those of the aforesaid sections of this code for the sole benefit of the then participants, any beneficiaries then receiving retirement allowances or benefits and any future persons entitled to receive benefits in accordance therewith who are so designated by any of the said participants. (Ord. No. 4284, 12/14/02, Sec. 1; Ord. No. 4336, 2/21/04, Sec. 2)