§ 3-1-9. Storm water infrastructure trust fund account.

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Establishment of account. There is hereby established for the City of Alexandria a permanent account within the Capital Projects Fund to be known and designated as the City of Alexandria Storm Water Infrastructure Trust Fund Account, which account shall be accounted for and maintained separate and apart from all other accounts maintained by the City of Alexandria.


    Funding of account. There is hereby assigned and appropriated to such account, and for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 2011 and in each succeeding fiscal year, from the tax on real estate levied pursuant to section 3-2-181 of this code, in addition to all other appropriations made to such account, if any, the sum of $0.005 on each $100 of the assessed value of all real estate subject to such tax.


    Expenditures from account. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of law, appropriations from the said account shall be authorized and made exclusively to finance permanent storm water infrastructure public improvements related to the conveyance, treatment or storage of storm water included in the capital budget. Unexpended appropriations to such account shall not lapse or expire at the end of the fiscal year in which made, irrespective of whether such appropriations were encumbered within such fiscal year.


    Storm water infrastructure public improvements defined. As used in this section, storm water infrastructure public improvements means any structure designed to convey, store, treat or otherwise manage storm water, repairs or improvements to any existing structures, and land acquired by the city in fee or by perpetual easement in connection with such a structure, together with accessory buildings and structures incidental and subordinate to management of storm water, and capital expenditures including but not limited to, demolition, clean-up, grading, engineering and design work, and the acquisition and installation of furniture, structures, landscaping, apparatus and facilities, for such use and improvement of the site, and any personnel, consultant, equipment or operational cost related thereto. (Ord. No. 4670, 6/12/10, Sec. 1)