§ 5-11-6. City action to control gypsy moths on private property; notice of action.

Latest version.
  • Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, if the city manager or the designee of the manager determines that the level of gypsy moth infestation in an area of the city equals or exceeds the infestation level established by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services for the sharing of costs in gypsy moth suppression programs, the city manager or the designee of the manager may undertake on public and private property within and adjacent to the infested area any of the suppression or control methods in section 5-11-1. At least 10 days prior to undertaking any such methods, the city shall send notice of the city's intended action to all owners and occupants of real property within the area to be treated. Such notice shall specify the suppression or control method to be used, shall state the date or dates on which the method is expected to be applied, and shall be mailed or hand-delivered to the last known post office address of the owners and occupants of such real property. (Ord. No. 3239, 10/19/87, Sec. 5)