§ 5-1-2. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The following words and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall for the purpose of this chapter have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except for those instances where otherwise expressly provided.


    Ashes. Residue resulting from the combustion of coal, wood, coke or other combustible materials, including residue from incineration of solid wastes.


    Bulk waste containers. A sturdy, water-tight, covered metal container which can only be emptied directly into a refuse truck by mechanical means.


    Collection. Removal or transportation of solid waste, ashes, recyclable material and yard debris, from its place of storage or collection point to its place of disposal.


    Demolition debris. The residue from building demolition.


    Director. The director of transportation and environmental services of the city or his authorized representative.


    Dwelling, row. One of a series of three or more attached dwelling units under a common roof with a common exterior wall, and separated from one another by continuous vertical party walls without openings from basement to roof.


    Dwelling, single family. A detached building, designed for or intended to be occupied by one family.


    Dwelling two family. A building designed for or intended to be occupied by not over two families, living independently of each other. This shall include both duplex (one dwelling unit above another in a single detached building) and semi-detached (two dwelling units having a common vertical party wall).


    Facility. A refuse-to-energy, solid waste disposal facility under contract with the City of Alexandria for disposal of solid waste and trash generated within the boundary of the City of Alexandria, Virginia.


    Garbage. Animal and vegetable waste resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking, serving or consumption of food, except for oyster and clam shells from businesses, but excluding human waste.


    Occupied premises. Any premises being put to some actual use, as distinguished from idle or vacant premises, or premises where human beings work or live.


    Recyclable materials. For purposes of this chapter, recyclable materials shall consist of newspapers, magazines and similar printed materials.


    Required user. The owner of any required user property.


    Required user property. Any single family, two family or row dwelling, or any building or structure used solely for residential purposes and containing four or fewer dwelling units, that is located within the city, excluding condominium dwellings and dwelling units, and also excluding dwellings and dwelling units in any residential development wherein an owners' association is required by special use permit to provide solid waste and recyclable material collection service by private collector.


    Solid waste. Unwanted or discarded material in a solid or semi-liquid state, consisting of garbage, trash or a combination thereof, but excluding recyclable materials.


    Trash. Solid waste materials incident to the ordinary conduct of a household, place of business or industrial establishment, including unmounted tires, but not including ashes, building materials, industrial wastes, hazardous wastes, recyclable materials or metal objects over three feet in length or weighing over 75 pounds.


    Unoccupied premises. Any premises not being put to some actual use; vacant, idle or upon which no person works or lives.


    Waste container. A watertight and covered receptacle used by any person to store solid waste or ashes for collection.


    Yard debris. Shrubbery prunings, tree prunings not over two inches in diameter, grass clippings, leaves and similar materials. (Code 1963, 32A-2; Ord. No. 3021, 3/16/85, Sec. 1; Ord. No. 3570, 5/11/92, Sec. 1; Ord. No. 3819, 9/16/95, Sec. 1; Ord. No. 4982, 12/12/15, Sec. 1)