§ 5-1-17. Sunken waste containers prohibited; exception.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    It shall be unlawful for any person to install a new waste container, the bottom of which is sunken or depressed below the abutting surface level.


    It shall also be unlawful for any person to use or cause to be used an existing waste container the bottom of which is sunken or depressed below the abutting surface level after any such sunken container has been disapproved by the director unless such sunken container shall have been approved by the director upon further inspection. This section shall not be construed to prohibit any person from repairing or replacing an existing sunken waste container for the purpose of meeting minimum sanitary standards set by the director.

    Sunken waste containers in existence may continue in use unless they are disapproved by the director. As soon as he reasonably can after the date of passage of this article, the director shall inspect each existing sunken container. The director shall disapprove any sunken container that in his opinion is unsanitary or likely to cause unsanitary conditions. The director shall thereafter from time to time inspect sunken containers that are in existence to determine whether or not they should be approved or disapproved.


    Any person using any sunken waste container shall place such container at the point of collection on collection day. The contents of any sunken waste container may be placed in an approved plastic liner or waterproof paper bag before being placed at the point of collection. (Code 1963, Sec. 32A-9)