§ 5-1-41. Collection by city.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Points of collection. The city shall not make any collection under this chapter except from a proper point of collection. It shall be the duty of occupants of premises to place approved waste containers, approved plastic liners, recyclable material and yard debris at the proper point of collection.


    Points of collection from streets.


    Approved waste containers and yard debris shall be placed for collection at a point 10 feet or less from the curb line or at a point on the property line adjacent to which the collection vehicle stops.


    Approved plastic liners and recyclable materials shall be placed for collection within 10 feet of the curb line or property line if there is no curb line, unless in the instance of unusual circumstances another arrangement has been made between the occupant and the director.


    Points of collection from alleys. Approved waste containers, plastic liners, recyclable material and yard debris shall be placed for collection at a point adjacent to and not more than 10 feet distant from the alley.


    Points of collection for approved bulk waste containers. The point of collection shall be at a place that has been approved by the director. The director shall only approve places that affect or offend the occupants, the general public and nearby residents as little as reasonably possible under the circumstances. The director may require surfacing of the point of collection as a prerequisite for approval. It shall be the duty of the owner or operator of an establishment using an approved bulk waste container to secure the approval of the director for the point of collection.


    Interference with parking, etc., prohibited. Approved waste containers, approved plastic liners, recyclable material and yard debris shall not be placed at a point of collection that will hinder or interfere with parking, traffic or pedestrians.


    Number of waste containers and plastic liners limited. An annual average of no more than nine approved waste containers and approved plastic liners shall be collected per collection per residence or business establishment. If an annual average of more than nine approved waste containers and approved plastic liners are required per collection per residence or business establishment, a bulk waste container shall be used. The bulk waste container shall be provided and maintained by the occupant.


    Persons other than city collectors. It shall be unlawful for any person other than a city collector, when collection is made by the city, to remove solid waste, ashes, recyclable material, yard debris, or special collection items from any point of collection; except that nothing shall prohibit any person from removing his own solid waste, recyclable materials, ashes, yard debris or special collection items.


    Time of collection.


    The city will normally provide collection under this chapter once each week unless otherwise directed by the city manager due to unusual conditions. Recyclable material shall be collected by the city once every two weeks.


    The city is not required to collect from any premises unless the approved waste containers, plastic liners, yard debris and recyclable material are placed at the point of collection no later than 6:00 a.m. from May 1 through September 30 and no later than 7:00 a.m. from October 1 through April 30 of each year on collection day. For premises served from the street where approved waste containers, plastic liners, yard debris and recyclable material are placed at the curbline or property line for collection, the waste containers should not be placed at a point of collection sooner than 5:00 p.m. of the day preceding the regularly scheduled collection day and the waste containers not collected by the city should be returned to their normal storage point not later than 7:00 p.m. of the collection day.


    Special collections. The city will, by appointment, make a special collection of large or bulk items from required user properties or from other properties to which it provides collection and disposal service under this article. A special collection item includes but is not limited to large metal objects, mattresses, and white goods, but does not include automobile parts, rocks, dirt or building materials. White goods shall include but not be limited to refrigerators, stoves, hot water heaters, clothes washers and dryers. The city may impose a separate fee, established by resolution of the city council, for the collection and disposal of special collection items. Such fee shall be paid in a manner and at a time or times established by the director.


    Interference with collection.


    Occupants of premises shall facilitate collection by confining animals that might interfere with collection. Collection will not be made where animals interfere with or are likely to interfere with collections.


    Any gates blocking access to the point of collection shall be unlocked no later than the applicable times of collection set forth in subparagraph (f), above, for collection on collection days. If reasonably possible, snow and ice shall be cleared away from the vicinity of the approved waste containers and from approach walks no later than said above-stated applicable times of collection on the day of collection.


    Collection not required where regulations violated. The city is not required to collect from premises where the provisions of this chapter are violated and failure to collect shall not relieve the responsible persons from prosecution and penalty as set forth in this chapter. (Code 1963, Sec. 32A-13; Ord. No. 2937, 6/18/84, Sec. 1; Ord. No. 3570, 5/11/92, Sec. 5)