§ 5-2-7. Reconstruction of concrete sidewalks to agree with curb grade.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    When in the construction of new curbs and gutters in accordance with grades established by the director of transportation and environmental services, as authorized by section 5-2-2 of this code, the grade of the curb does not accord with a concrete sidewalk previously constructed, and the owner of property facing the curb requests the walk to be reconstructed to agree with the curb grade, the city will reconstruct the sidewalk provided, that the walk was originally constructed on a grade authorized by the Board of Supervisors of Arlington County, by the Council of the Town of Potomac or by authority of the city council and under the supervision of the surveyor or engineer employed by the board of supervisors or councils to give such grade; provided further, that the property owner shall pay into the city treasury a proportionate amount of the total cost as may be determined in each instance by a committee of three (3) to be composed of the city manager and two (2) members of the city council to be appointed by the mayor, an amount to be not less than one-third ( 1/3 ) nor more than two-thirds ( 2/3 ) of the total cost. Such committee shall also have authority to decide the conditions under which the original sidewalk was constructed and the advisability of reconstruction.


    The property owner shall have the privilege of making payment by means of negotiable promissory notes. (Code 1963, Sec. 33-7)