§ 5-3-6. Applicability of article to transition period construction, etc., generally.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    All buildings and structures for which a building permit shall have been duly and regularly issued by the director of building and mechanical inspections on or before October 15, 1971, which permit has not expired, may be completed without the necessity of complying with this article.


    All buildings, structures, and alterations to buildings or structures for which a final site plan has been duly and regularly issued on or before October 15, 1971, and which site plan has not expired, may be completed without the necessity of complying with this article.


    All subdivisions of land for which an approved final plat of subdivision has been duly and regularly issued and released on or before October 15, 1971, which approved plat has not expired and for which the guarantee for the required public improvement is in full force and effect may be completed without the necessity of complying with this article.


    Any city, state or federal highway or bridge project for which invitations to bids have been advertised on or before October 15, 1971, may be completed without the necessity of complying with this article.


    Any private highway or street highway or bridge project for which actual site construction has begun on or before October 15, 1971, may be completed without the necessity of complying with this article.


    Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section, the provisions of this article shall apply prospectively to buildings, structures, alterations to buildings and structures, subdivisions of land, and city, state, federal and private highway and bridge projects after completion of such buildings, structures, alterations to buildings and structures, subdivisions of land, and city, state, federal and private highway and bridge projects. (Code 1963, Sec. 39A-6)