Division 1. General Provision  

§ 5-6-21. Control of council.
§ 5-6-22. Installed by contract with council.
§ 5-6-23. Constructed so as to require separate and direct service for each house, building or parcel of property.
§ 5-6-24. Duty of owner to connect; emptying into wells, tanks or open streams prohibited.
§ 5-6-25. Sewer taps; clearance for sewer or water systems.
§ 5-6-25.1. Sewer connection permits and service fees; construction costs; constructing sewers by owners rather than city; additional connections.
§ 5-6-26. Sanitary sewer system capital investment and maintenance fee imposed; provisions for collection; liens and cessation of water service for delinquent fees.
§ 5-6-27. Duty of director of transportation and environmental services to compute amounts due city.
§ 5-6-28. Unlawful to connect without permit and payment.
§ 5-6-29. Connection lines running from city sewer main, trunk or lateral to the premises.
§ 5-6-30. Property binding on certain old sewers.
§ 5-6-31. Obstructing, breaking or injuring sewers, catch basins or manholes; garbage, earth or trash.
§ 5-6-32. Draining rain water into public sanitary sewers—nuisance declared.
§ 5-6-33. Same—prohibited; compliance with notice to disconnect.
§ 5-6-34. Same—penalty for violation of section 5-6-33.
§ 5-6-35. Same—disconnection by city; costs to constitute lien.
§ 5-6-36. Same—same; exceptions for connections existing on November 28, 1972, upon finding of hardship.
§ 5-6-37. Air conditioning and refrigeration equipment discharging water—definition of "air conditioning" and "refrigeration."
§ 5-6-38. Same—rate of water discharge.
§ 5-6-39. Same—permit required for installation.
§ 5-6-40. Same—VPDES permit requirements.
§§ 5-6-41 through 5-6-50. reserved.

State Law Reference: Authority of city to regulate sewer connections,Code of Va., Sec. 32-61; power of council to construct, etc., sewers and drains, Code of Va., Sec. 15.1-292.

Cross Reference: Power of city as to assessments for construction of sewers, culverts and drains, City Charter. Sec. 2.03, subsec. (e); power of city as to sewer pipes and connections, Charter. Sec. 2.04, subsec. (h); construction of sewers or drains in future subdivisions. Sec. 5-2-4 of this code; acceptance of streets, sewers or drains in future subdivisions. Sec. 5-2-5; constructing sewers or drains in existing subdivisions, Sec. 5-2-6.