§ 5-6-128. Discharges from photographic processing facilities  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    It shall be unlawful to discharge or otherwise induce silver rich solutions from a photographic processing facility into the POTW, unless such silver rich solution is managed by the photographic processing facility in accordance with the silver CMP, prior to its introduction into the collection system or the POTW.


    The silver CMP is a fully enforceable element of the authority's industrial pretreatment program and constitutes a local limitation for silver that is discharged from photographic processing facilities.


    Within 90 days after the enactment of this division for existing photographic processing facilities, or within 90 days before the date upon which a new photographic processing facility commences the discharge of silver rich solution into the POTW, the photographic processing facility shall notify the authority that it discharges or intends to discharge silver rich solutions and shall confirm that these discharges shall thereafter be managed in accordance with the silver CMP. No photographic processing facility shall thereafter discharge waste, solutions or other substances that are not in accordance with the silver CMP.


    A photographic processing facility which has implemented the silver CMP for the control of silver discharges to the POTW shall submit an annual compliance certification to the authority by November 30 of each year. This compliance certification shall be completed by an authorized representative of the photographic processing facility and shall contain the following statement:

    On behalf of [name and address of photo-graphic processing facility], I certify that, except as specifically noted below, this facility, since the date of its last certification, has implemented and maintained the silver CMP for the control of silver discharges to the POTW, and that, as of the date of this certification, this facility is in compliance with the requirements of the silver CMP. (Ord. No. 4501, 10/13/07, Sec. 1)