§ 5-6-231. Purpose and organization.  

Latest version.
  • City council finds that an adequate, equitable, and sustainable source of revenue for stormwater management activities is necessary to protect the general health, safety, and welfare of the residents; to meet state and federal stormwater regulations; and to address identified water quality and quantity needs of the city. Further, the city council finds that properties with higher amounts of impervious area contribute greater amounts of stormwater and pollutants to the stormwater management system, and that those owners of such properties should bear a proportionate burden of the costs. Therefore, the city council determines that it is in the best interest of the public to enact a stormwater utility fee based on impervious area that allocates program costs equitably to all property owners. The stormwater utility shall be operated under the direction of the city manager, who shall organize, direct, and manage the utility, including the development of necessary policies, procedures, and manuals as authorized by this chapter. (Ord. No. 5060, 5/4/17, Sec. 1, eff. 1/1/18)