§ 5-6-235. Stormwater utility fee credits.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The city shall implement a system of credits in accordance with Virginia Code § 15.2-2114(D) that provides full or partial waivers of charges to any person who installs, operates, and maintains a stormwater management facility that achieves a permanent reduction in stormwater flow or pollutant loadings. The amount of the waiver shall be based in part on the percentage reduction in stormwater flow or pollutant loadings, or both, from pre-installation to post-installation of the facility. The credit policy may also, in accordance with Virginia Code § 15.2-2114(E), provide for full or partial waivers of charges to public or private entities that implement or participate in strategies, techniques, or programs that reduce stormwater flow or pollutant loadings, or decrease the cost of maintaining or operating the public stormwater management system.


    The transportation and environmental services department will develop written policies to implement the system of credits. No credit will be authorized until the city council approves written policies to implement the system of credits; a copy of the approved policies shall be on file with the transportation and environmental services department. Nothing shall prevent the city council from modifying the adopted system of credits, and such modifications may apply to holders of existing credits. (Ord. No. 5060, 5/4/17, Sec. 1, eff. 1/1/18)