§ 5-7-38.1. Inoculation of cats against rabies.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    It shall be the duty of every resident of the city owning or in possession of a cat four months old or older within the city to have such cat inoculated with an anti-rabic vaccine approved by the director of public health, which inoculation shall be repeated as often as the director of public health may from time to time specify. The expense of inoculation of cats against rabies shall be borne by the owners of such cats. The inoculation shall be made by any licensed veterinarian.


    At the time of vaccination, a suitable and distinctive rabies tag and a certificate of vaccination shall be issued by the veterinarian to the cat's owner. The certificate shall certify that the cat in question has been vaccinated in accordance with this section. Such certificate shall show the date of vaccination, the rabies collar tag number, the date of required immunization, a brief description of the cat and its sex and breed, and the name of the owner. The certificate issued under this section shall be carefully preserved by the owner of the cat and exhibited promptly upon request for inspection by an animal control officer, a public health officer or any other law enforcement officer. One copy of the certificate required under this section shall be retained by the veterinarian and one copy shall be presented by the veterinarian to the health department for registration within 10 days after inoculation. (Ord. No. 4520, 2/23/08, Sec. 1)