§ 5-7-81. Minimum standards for pet shop premises.  

Latest version.
  • No pet shop shall be operated, established or maintained that does not comply with the following requirements:


    the premises shall be kept in a rodent-proof and sanitary condition, free of vermin and objectionable odors.


    all cages and enclosures are to be of a nonporous material for easy cleaning and disinfecting. All cages or enclosures shall at all times be equipped with food and water receptacles mounted or structured so that the animal cannot overturn, defecate or urinate therein, but must be removable for cleaning. Each cage must be of sufficient size so as to allow each animal to make normal postural adjustment with adequate freedom of movement. Proper screening shall be provided for cages to avoid contact with animals not kept therein. Cages shall have floors of solid construction.


    there shall be sufficient clean, dry bedding to meet the needs of each individual animal.


    the room temperature shall be maintained at a level which is appropriate and healthful for each particular species of animal kept therein. Adequate ventilation shall be maintained.


    there shall be available hot water at a minimum temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit for washing cages and disinfecting, and cold water easily accessible to all animals at all times.


    each bird cage shall contain at least two horizontal perches and provide sufficient perch space for every bird confined therein. Perches shall be placed horizontal to each other in the same cage, and shall not be aligned vertically. Bird cages shall be cleaned daily and disinfected each time a bird is sold.


    for purposes of health and sanitation, fish tanks shall be equipped with an efficient circulating pump and filter. The water temperature in a fish tank shall be maintained at a constant level appropriate for the fish confined therein.


    cages or tanks in which turtles of the amphibious type are confined must contain an amount of water sufficient for each turtle to drink and moisten itself. The floor area of tanks in which turtles are confined must contain a dry area sufficient for each turtle confined therein. (Code 1963, Sec. 4-33)