§ 5-8-73. Designation of permit parking districts; notice of designation.  

Latest version.
  • (a)


    Upon submission of a petition for the designation of a residential district as a permit parking district, if the petition has been signed by an occupant of more than 50 percent of the residential properties abutting each block in the residential district designated in the petition, the city manager shall cause to be conducted an occupancy survey to determine whether the residential district is qualified to be designated a permit parking district. The survey of the district shall be taken on a day other than Saturday or Sunday. If, at the time of the survey, more than 75 percent of the on-street parking spaces in the district are occupied by vehicles, no further survey shall be made. If less than 75 percent of the on-street parking spaces in the district are occupied by vehicles, additional surveys may be made at other times during that day.


    If 75 percent or more of the on-street parking spaces in the district are found to be occupied by vehicles by any survey, a study shall be made to determine if the number of vehicles parked in the district at the time of the survey and owned by nonresidents of the district exceeds 25 percent of the total number of vehicles parked in the district at that time, in which case the district shall be deemed to qualify as a permit parking district and the city manager shall certify this fact to the traffic and parking board.


    The city manager may recommend up to two new locations in a calendar year be designated as a permit parking district of a residential district that i) are located within one mile of an existing or proposed transit station or ii) have parking issues identified through a parking study conducted by the city. Upon the city manager's recommendation, the director of transportation and environmental services shall mail a ballot to all residential properties within the proposed permit parking district. If more than 50 percent of ballots are returned and more than 60 percent of ballots returned indicate support for creating a permit parking district, the district shall be deemed to qualify as a permit parking district and the city manager shall certify this fact to the traffic and parking board.


    Following receipt of a certification by the city manager that a residential district is deemed to qualify as a permit parking district, the traffic and parking board shall review the matter at a public hearing and make a recommendation to the city council concerning the designation of the qualifying residential district as a permit parking district. The traffic and parking board shall consider the availability of an alternate means of transportation to and from the residential district and the existence or approval of a traffic generator that may encourage non-residents to park in the district in making its recommendation to the city council.


    Following receipt of the recommendations of the traffic and parking board, the city council may designate the district as a permit parking district. If such a designation is made, city council shall determine whether permit parking district signs are immediately to be posted throughout or in a portion of the district, or whether signs are only to be posted following action on petitions filed by residents of blocks within the district in accordance with section 5-8-76. If city council determines that signs should immediately be posted, it shall identify the blocks within the district along which signs are to be posted, and shall specify which of the parking restrictions described in section 5-8-72(b) are to be imposed by such signs. Following the designation by city council of a permit parking district, the director of transportation and environmental services shall assign a number to the newly designated district, and update the permit parking district map.


    Upon the designation of the permit parking district by the city council, the city manager shall cause permit parking district signs to be posted on each block face, or portion thereof, which city council specifies for immediate posting.

    There shall be affixed to each sign following the word "district" the number assigned to the permit parking district in which the sign is located.


    The director of transportation and environmental services may designate blocks which abut two residential permit parking districts with parking restrictions as areas where holders of either abutting district permits are exempt from the parking restrictions. (Code 1963, Sec. 22-121.15; Ord. No. 2753, 12/14/82, Sec. 2; Ord. No. 3129, 5/27/86, Sec. 2; Ord. No. 3215, 5/27/87, Secs. 3, 4; Ord. No. 3372, 4/25/89, Sec. 4; Ord. No. 3502, 3/16/91, Sec. 1; Ord. No. 3574, 5/16/92, Sec. 3; Ord. No. 5257, 12/14/19, Sec. 1)