§ 7-2-2. Findings of fact and declaration of policy.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Findings. The city council finds:


    That there exists within the city a serious shortage of adequate residential dwellings which low and moderate income persons and elderly and handicapped persons can afford.


    That there exists within the city real property which is blighted, deteriorated, deteriorating, a blighting influence on the neighborhood, or in nonconformance with the city's zoning code or master land use plan and that such property should be cleared, demolished or rehabilitated and leased or sold.


    That the housing shortage and blighted, deteriorated and nonconforming property contributes to the creation and persistence of substandard living conditions for many of Alexandria's citizens which is detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of such citizens.


    That it is imperative that the supply of safe and sanitary residential dwellings for such persons and families be increased.


    That private enterprise has been unable, without assistance, to produce the needed construction or rehabilitation of safe and sanitary housing at prices or rentals which low and moderate income persons and elderly or handicapped persons can afford.


    That it is in the public interest and in furtherance of the welfare and well-being of all citizens of Alexandria, Virginia, to assure that each citizen is provided with decent housing and a suitable living environment.


    That only through the concerted efforts of federal, state and local government can we eliminate blight, conserve and renew older neighborhoods and improve the living environment, of low and moderate income, elderly and handicapped persons.


    That the exercise of powers in section 2.04:2 of the city charter is for a public purpose and public use.


    Policy. The city council hereby declares:


    That it is contrary to the policy of the city to permit the conditions mentioned in this section to exist.


    That it is the duty and policy of the city to exercise all available means and every power it possesses to protect the city and its citizens from such conditions and from the undesirable results that have been or may be caused or encouraged by the inadequacy of the current housing stock.


    That it is the duty and policy of the city to assist in the removal of blighted, deteriorated real property and real property in nonconformance with the city's zoning code or master land use plan.


    That it shall be the policy of the city, hereafter, to exercise its powers pursuant to section 2.04:2 of the Alexandria city charter to assist in providing low and moderate income, elderly and handicapped persons with decent housing and to assist in the removal of blighted, deteriorated and nonconforming real property.


    That the exercise of powers in section 2.04:2 of the city charter is for a public purpose and public use. (Code 1963, Sec. 17A-2)