§ 5-2-64. Streets named in future.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Except as hereinafter provided, all streets hereafter named and running in a generally eastward direction shall be designated as avenues, and all streets hereafter named and running in a generally north-south direction shall be designated as streets. In the case of diagonal streets, the planning commission shall designate the direction to be applied. Streets may also be designated parkways or places when the planning commission is of the opinion that the use of such a name is more desirable than that of street or avenue.


    In that portion of the city lying east of Quaker Lane, names shall be in harmony with the existing developments insofar as possible.


    In the area west of Quaker Lane, an alphabetical progression of names shall be instituted, based upon a rectangular grid whose eastern base line shall run in a northerly direction passing through the intersection of Duke Street and Quaker Lane and the intersection of King Street and Quaker Lane, and northern base line of which shall be at right angles to the eastern base line and pass through the northernmost corner of the city limits west of Quaker Lane.


    Each base line shall be subdivided into sections 600 feet in length. Beginning at the intersection of the base lines, each 600 feet shall be lettered alphabetically beginning with A and proceeding south and east through W at which point a new alphabet beginning with A shall be begun.


    The planning commission is hereby empowered to assign names to all newly acquired or dedicated streets in accordance with the provisions of this section. (Code 1963, Sec. 33-44; Ord. No. 4856, 1/25/14, Sec. 1)