§ 5-4-14.1. Civil penalties.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    A violation of any section or provision of this article may, in addition to and not withstanding the penalty provided for in subsection (b), be a civil violation that shall be enforced through the levying of a civil penalty, pursuant to section 1-1-11 of this code, of $500 for a person's first violation and of $1,000 for each subsequent violation of the same section or provision. Each day during which a violation exists shall constitute a separate violation. However, a series of violations arising from the same operative set of facts shall not give rise to the levying of a civil penalty more frequently than once in any ten-day period, and shall not result in civil penalties exceeding a total of $3,000.


    A violation of any section or provision of this article may, in addition to and not withstanding the penalty provided for in subsection (a), be restrained, prohibited or enjoined by appropriate proceedings in a court of competent jurisdiction. (Ord. No. 4489, 6/16/07, Sec. 1; Ord. No. 4702, 12/18/10, Sec. 1)