§ 5-6-113. Local limits.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The authority may establish, by regulation, maximum mass or concentration discharge limits for any pollutant that threatens the public health, presents an endangerment to the environment, interferes with the operation of the POTW or causes the authority to be in violation of its NPDES permit or any state permit issued to regulate the treatment of wastewater or the treatment or application of sludge. Such limits shall be determined at the point where the user's wastewater is discharged to the collection system, except where the engineer determines that a limit may be applied at the end of process. All concentrations for metallic substances are for total metals unless otherwise indicated. Compliance with all parameters may be determined from a single grab sample. In addition, the authority shall impose the validly adopted local discharge limits of any political subdivision for those users whose discharges are tributary to a publicly owned treatment works of the subdivision, where the limits are applicable in the city pursuant to an agreement between the authority and the political subdivision.


    The authority may establish, by regulation or in discharge permits, standards or requirements for discharges which are necessary to ensure user compliance with section 5-6-111; provided, that no such standard or requirement may be less stringent than applicable federal standards and requirements. (Ord. No. 4501, 10/13/07, Sec. 1)