Article B. Sewage Disposal and Drains  

Division 1. General Provision
Division 2. Sewage Disposal Systems
Division 3. Discharges into Sewer Collection System and POTW
Division 3.1. Discharges into POTW
SubDivision A. General Provisions
§ 5-6-101. Purpose and policy.
§ 5-6-102. Definitions.
§ 5-6-103. Administration.
§ 5-6-104. Promulgation of procedures.
§§ 5-6-105 through 5-6-110. reserved.
SubDivision B. General User Requirements
§ 5-6-111. Prohibited discharges.
§ 5-6-112. National categorical pretreatment standards.
§ 5-6-113. Local limits.
§ 5-6-114. Dilution.
§§ 5-6-115 through 5-6-120. reserved.
SubDivision C. Pretreatment of Wastewater
§ 5-6-121. Pretreatment facilities.
§ 5-6-122. Additional pretreatment measures.
§ 5-6-123. Grease, fat and oils removal systems.
§ 5-6-124. Passive system requirements.
§ 5-6-125. Active system requirements.
§ 5-6-126. High risk facilities.
§ 5-6-127. Alternative methods.
§ 5-6-128. Discharges from photographic processing facilities
§ 5-6-129. Best management practices.
§ 5-6-130. Accidental discharge and slug control plan.
§§ 5-6-131 through 5-6-140. reserved.
SubDivision D. Wastewater Discharge Permits
§ 5-6-141. Wastewater discharge permits required.
§ 5-6-142. Wastewater discharge permit required for new connections.
§ 5-6-143. Wastewater discharge permits application content.
§ 5-6-144. Issuance of wastewater discharge permit.
§ 5-6-145. Wastewater discharge permit content.
§ 5-6-146. Wastewater discharge permit duration.
§ 5-6-147. Wastewater discharge permit modifications.
§ 5-6-148. Wastewater discharge permit transfer.
§ 5-6-149. Wastewater discharge permit revocation.
§ 5-6-150. Permit reissuance.
§ 5-6-151. Regulation of waste received from other political subdivisions.
§§ 5-6-152 through 5-6-160. reserved.
SubDivision E. Reporting Requirements
§ 5-6-161. Baseline monitoring reports.
§ 5-6-162. Report on compliance with categorical pretreatment standard deadline.
§ 5-6-163. Periodic compliance reports.
§ 5-6-164. Monitoring and analysis to demonstrate continued compliance.
§ 5-6-165. Notice of potential problems, including slug loading.
§ 5-6-166. Reports of changed discharge.
§ 5-6-167. Reports from unpermitted users.
§ 5-6-168. Notice of violation; repeat sampling and reporting.
§ 5-6-169. Notification of the discharge of hazardous waste.
§ 5-6-170. Analytical requirements.
§ 5-6-171. Sample collection.
§ 5-6-172. Report submission.
§ 5-6-173. Recordkeeping requirements.
§ 5-6-174. Application signatories and certification.
§ 5-6-175. Fraudulent and false statements.
§ 5-6-176. Information requests to users; generally.
§§ 5-6-177 through 5-6-180. reserved.
SubDivision F. Compliance Monitoring
§ 5-6-181. Right of entry for inspection and sampling; compliance schedules.
§ 5-6-182. Search warrants.
§§ 5-6-183 through 5-6-190. reserved.
SubDivision G. Administrative Enforcement Remedies
§ 5-6-191. Notice of violation.
§ 5-6-192. Compliance meeting; compliance schedule.
§ 5-6-193. Appearance before the authority.
§ 5-6-194. Administrative order.
§ 5-6-195. Order to show cause; show cause hearing.
§ 5-6-196. Termination of service; revocation of permits.
§ 5-6-197. Emergency suspensions.
§§ 5-6-198 through 5-6-200. reserved.
SubDivision H. Judicial Enforcement Remedies
§ 5-6-201. Criminal penalties.
§ 5-6-202. Civil penalties.
§ 5-6-203. Injunctive relief.
§ 5-6-204. Remedies not exclusive.
§§ 5-6-205—5-6-210. reserved.
SubDivision I. Fees and Charges
§ 5-6-211. Fees and charges; meters.
§ 5-6-212. Attorneys' fees and costs; referrals.
§§ 5-6-213 through 5-6-220. reserved.
SubDivision J. Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 5-6-221. Confidential information.
§ 5-6-222. Annual notice of significant noncompliance.
§ 5-6-223. Severability.
§ 5-6-224. Method of storm and subsoil water disposal.
§ 5-6-225. Violations and penalties.
Secs 5-6-226 through 5-6-229 - reserved.