§ 5-6-192. Compliance meeting; compliance schedule.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    If, following the issuance of a notice under section 5-6-191, the user continues to violate provisions of this division, the engineer may issue a "Notice of Compliance Meeting" to the user which requires the user to attend a compliance meeting. Similarly, the engineer may require a user to attend a compliance meeting, without having first issued a notice under section 5-6-191, where the user's violations of this division are of significant magnitude or duration.


    Attendance at the compliance meeting is mandatory for the user, and failure to attend may result in an order for a show cause hearing or the filing of an action by the authority seeking remedies that are provided by this division and applicable federal, state and local laws.


    At the compliance meeting, the engineer may establish such procedures, investigations and studies as are deemed necessary to determine the cause of such violations and the actions that are required to correct them.


    At the compliance meeting, the engineer also may establish a compliance schedule that defines the actions to be taken by the user to determine the cause of the violations, or the actions that are to be taken to correct the violations, and the dates by which the actions are to be taken. A compliance schedule may be issued alone or may be incorporated into the user's wastewater discharge permit, an administrative order or another document. Failure to comply with the terms of the compliance schedule shall constitute a separate violation of this division, and may result in an order for a show cause hearing or the institution of a judicial action under subdivision H. (Ord. No. 4501, 10/13/07, Sec. 1)