§ 5-6-211. Fees and charges; meters.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    An industrial user seeking a wastewater discharge permit shall pay an application fee of $100 before its application will be processed.


    The holder of a wastewater discharge permit shall pay a fee to the authority to offset the authority's costs in administering the wastewater discharge permit system. The fee shall be $500 for each year of the term of the permit. The fee shall be paid in full prior to the issuance of the permit. A fee of $100 shall be assessed for any revisions to a discharge permit.


    Each industrial user shall pay the chemical and biological monitoring costs actually incurred by the authority as required by the user's permit. Payment of these costs shall be made within 30 days of written notice by the authority.


    Sewer use charges may be established by city council by resolution. Such charges shall be assessed against users and shall be based on wastewater volume and strength, as determined by metering, sampling and laboratory analysis of user discharges into the POTW. For purposes of this subsection:


    The volume of wastewater discharged by a user into the POTW shall be based on the metered water consumption of the user, as shown in records maintained by Virginia American Water Company ("VAWC"). However, if a user which purchases water from VAWC considers that significant quantities of that water are not being discharged into the POTW, the user may request that the billings be based upon metered wastewater quantities. If the user's request is approved by the authority, the user may then provide and maintain, at its own expense, a meter acceptable to the authority for measurement of the quantities of wastewater discharged. The meter shall be accessible for inspection by the authority at all times and shall be maintained to produce an accurate record of the true quantities of wastewater discharged.


    Whenever a user obtains any part of its water supply from sources other than VAWC, the user shall provide and maintain wastewater meters which will produce an accurate record of the true quantities of wastewater discharged into the POTW. However, in lieu of a wastewater meter, a user may utilize a water meter on its input water line if approved by the authority, in which case the readings from that meter shall be used to calculate the volume of wastewater flow that is to be used in computing charges.


    No user may utilize an internal water meter to meter a portion of its total water use that either is or is not ultimately tributary to the sewer system as an alternative to a wastewater meter.


    All costs of meter installation, calibration and maintenance shall be borne by the user. The type of meter used by a user shall be acceptable to the authority. Meters shall be accessible at all times for inspection by the authority.


    In addition to the fees and charges established by or pursuant to this section, city council may, by resolution, establish and adjust other fees and charges to recover the costs that are incurred in the administration of this division.


    Fees and charges established pursuant to this section shall not preclude any other fees or charges established pursuant to or under other sections of this code. (Ord. No. 4501, 10/13/07, Sec. 1)