§ 5-6-196. Termination of service; revocation of permits.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Notwithstanding any other provision in this subdivision, if the engineer determines that a user's violation of any discharge limitations or standards or other requirements imposed on it by this division, or by a permit issued pursuant to this division, endangers the public health, presents an endangerment to the environment, interferes with the operation of the POTW or causes the authority to be in violation of its NPDES permit or any state permit issued to regulate the treatment of wastewater or the treatment or application of sludge, then the authority may, after providing notice to the user and an opportunity to rebut the engineer's determination, suspend wastewater treatment service, including collection and treatment services, to the user.


    Notwithstanding any other provision in this subdivision, if the authority determines that a user's continued discharge into the collection system and the POTW will violate this division, federal, state or local law, or regulations and requirements issue pursuant to such law, then the authority, after providing notice to the user and an opportunity to rebut its determination, may revoke any permits issued to the user under the provisions of this article. (Ord. No. 4501, 10/13/07, Sec. 1)