§ 5-7-82. Minimum standards for treatment of animals.  

Latest version.
  • All pet shops shall comply with the following standards concerning treatment of animals:


    every reasonable precaution shall be taken to insure that no animal be teased, abused, mistreated, annoyed, tormented or in any manner made to suffer by any person or by any means.


    no condition shall be maintained that is injurious to the animals kept on the premises.


    no animal shall be given any alcoholic beverage, unless administered or prescribed by a licensed veterinarian for medical purposes.


    all animals must be fed every day, including Sundays and holidays, and have water available at all times, except as dictated by hibernation, veterinary treatment, normal fasts or other professionally accepted practices. The diet shall be prepared with consideration for the age, species, condition and size of the animal. Cages and fish tanks must be kept cleaned.


    adult male and female animals, other than fish and birds, should not be confined or displayed in the same cage.


    infant animals may not be confined or displayed in the same cage with adult animals, except while nursing.


    pugnacious or vicious animals shall be isolated from other animals.


    confined animals shall be afforded exercise proper for the individual animal.


    all sick, diseased or maimed animals shall be reported by the permittee immediately to the executive director and shall thereafter, at the expense of the permittee, be under the control of an accredited veterinary until permanently cured or destroyed. No sick, diseased or maimed animals shall be sold or kept on the premises.


    animals shall not be without attention over 18 consecutive hours, and no animal, other than fish, shall be exposed to public view for more than 12 hours out of 24.


    large pet birds shall have separate cages from smaller birds.


    animals shall not be overcrowded.


    the shells of turtles shall not be painted, carved, or altered in any way, nor shall decals be affixed thereto. (Code 1963, Sec. 4-34)