§ 9-7-8. Display of brand names or trademarks.  

Latest version.
  • All aboveground equipment for storing or dispensing motor fuel operated by a retail dealer shall bear in a conspicuous place the brand name or trademark of the manufacturer or distributor of the product stored therein or sold or dispensed therefrom. If the motor fuel stored in or sold or dispensed from aboveground equipment by a retail dealer has no brand name or trademark, such container or dispensing equipment shall have conspicuously displayed thereon the words "NO BRAND," or retail dealer's own brand or trade name. (Code 1963, Sec. 12-20; Ord. No. 3930, 6/14/97, Sec. 4)

    State Law Reference: Fraud and misrepresentation in sale of liquid fuels, lubricating oils and similar products, Code of Va., Secs. 18.1-134 to 18.1-140.