§ 12-4-13. Organization, meetings, secretary and chairperson of the human rights commission.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    All meetings of the commission shall be open to the public to the extent required by state law and a full and impartial hearing shall be granted on all matters. The commission shall hold at least 10 monthly meetings during the calendar year. All hearings shall be informal as reasonably possible.


    The city council shall designate a convener and the commission shall elect one of its members as chairperson, another of its members as vice-chairperson and such other officers as the commission may deem necessary. The commission shall designate a secretary among its members or staff as it sees fit. The secretary to the commission shall cause minutes of its proceedings to be kept and all findings and decisions to be reduced to writing and entered as a matter of public record in the office of the director.


    All meetings of the commission shall be held in facilities which are accessible to persons with a disability and, where a person with a disability attends a meeting and so requests in advance, the commission shall make reading or interpretive services available for the blind or deaf, as appropriate.


    In matters concerning the procedure for meetings not covered by this chapter, the commission may establish its own rules; provided these are not contrary to the mandate or spirit of this chapter. (Code 1963, Sec. 18A-13; Ord. No. 2517, 10/14/80, Sec. 11; Ord. No. 3498, 2/23/91, Sec. 10; Ord. No. 4549, 6/14/08, Sec. 9; Ord. No. 5126, 4/14/18, Sec. 1)