Chapter 4. Human Rights  

§ 12-4-1. Short title.
§ 12-4-2. Findings of fact and declaration of policy.
§ 12-4-3. Definitions.
§ 12-4-3.1. Notices and services.
§ 12-4-4. Unlawful housing practices.
§ 12-4-4.1. Unlawful commercial real estate practices.
§ 12-4-5. Unlawful employment practices.
§ 12-4-6. City contracts.
§ 12-4-7. Health and social service practices.
§ 12-4-8. Public accommodations.
§ 12-4-9. Credit.
§ 12-4-10. Education.
§ 12-4-11. Obstruction of practices unlawful under chapter.
§ 12-4-12. Human rights commission—creation; composition.
§ 12-4-13. Organization, meetings, secretary and chairperson of the human rights commission.
§ 12-4-14. Human rights director.
§ 12-4-15. Powers and duties of the human rights commission.
§ 12-4-16. Complaints generally.
§ 12-4-17. Investigation and probable cause of complaint filed by a complainant.
§ 12-4-18. Conciliation; breach of conciliation agreement; procedure; hearing; decision.
§ 12-4-19. Amendments to complaints.
§ 12-4-20. Answers to complaints.
§ 12-4-21. Hearings; decisions.
§ 12-4-22. Interlocutory relief.
§ 12-4-23. Judicial review.
§ 12-4-24. Judicial action to enforce commission decision.
§ 12-4-24.1. Civil penalty.
§ 12-4-25. Records.
§ 12-4-26. Construction with other laws.
§ 12-4-27. Advisory opinions.
§ 12-4-28. Forms.
§ 12-4-29. Conditions under which city attorney not to represent commission, director.
§ 12-4-30. Severability.