§ 12-4-17. Investigation and probable cause of complaint filed by a complainant.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Upon the filing of a complaint by a complainant, the director shall undertake an investigation, which shall be completed within 180 days, unless additional time is allowed by the commission, from the date of the filing of a complaint, to determine whether there is probable cause for the complaint. At any time following the filing of a complaint, the director may convene a conference, over which the director or her designee shall preside, in order to mediate the issues in dispute between the parties. The director may also convene a confidential hearing, over which a panel of commission members shall preside, in order to obtain advice from the panel in one or more of the areas set forth in section 12-4-15(a)(17). Upon completion of the investigation, the director shall issue a written decision containing the director's determination as to whether there is probable cause for the complaint. The director shall serve a copy of this written decision to the complainant and the respondent.


    If the director determines that there is probable cause for a complaint filed by a complainant, the director shall immediately endeavor to eliminate the unlawful discriminatory practice complained of in accordance with section 12-4-18.


    If the director determines that there is no probable cause for a complaint filed by a complainant, that determination shall constitute the final decision of the commission which shall not be subject to judicial review. (Code 1963, Sec. 18A-17, as amended by Ord. No. 2419, 12/11/79, Sec. 1; Ord. No. 3128, 5/17/86, Sec. 6; Ord. No. 3729, 6/18/94, Sec. 5; Ord. No. 3850, 3/23/96, Sec. 10; Ord. No. 4549, 6/14/08, Sec. 13; Ord. No. 5126, 4/14/18, Sec. 1)