Article A. General Provisions  

§ 2-1-1. Composition.
§ 2-1-2. Continuing body.
§ 2-1-3. Term of members.
§ 2-1-4. Compensation of members.
§ 2-1-5. Removal of members.
§ 2-1-6. Filling vacancies.
§ 2-1-7. Vacancy consequent upon removal of member from city or conviction of member of crime involving moral turpitude.
§ 2-1-8. Limitation of election of member to city office.
§ 2-1-9. Mayor; vice-mayor.
§ 2-1-10. City clerk generally.
§ 2-1-11. Docket of matters to be considered.
§ 2-1-12. Signing and attestation of minutes and ordinances.
§ 2-1-13. Inaugural meeting—council as judge of election and qualifications of members.
§ 2-1-14. Meetings to be open—exception.
§ 2-1-15. Ordinances, etc., to be adopted in open meeting.
§ 2-1-16. Majority vote required for adoption of ordinances, etc.; voting by proxy.
§ 2-1-17. Ordinances or resolutions appropriating money, imposing taxes or authorizing borrowing.
§ 2-1-18. When council to act by ordinance; amendment and repeal of ordinances generally.
§ 2-1-19. Form and style of ordinances; when ordinances to be effective.
§ 2-1-20. Procedure for passage of ordinances.
§ 2-1-21. Emergency ordinances generally.
§ 2-1-22. Referendum on proposed ordinances, etc.
§ 2-1-23. Recordation of vote.
§ 2-1-24. Recordation of final vote on any ordinance or resolution.
§ 2-1-25. Required vote for appointments and removals.
§ 2-1-26. Interference with appointments, etc.
§ 2-1-27. Investigations.
§§ 2-1-28 through 2-1-40. reserved.